Namaskaram :)
My name is Nishant and I’m a Classical Hatha Yoga Teacher, trained with Sadhguru Gurukulam.
Yoga happened to me at a time when I was least expecting it. Back when I was in college, I attended a workshop for Surya Kriya, one of the core Hatha Yoga practices offered by Isha. For me, it was supposed to be just another sun salutation class, something physical to keep myself in shape and healthy. But something about the way it was taught and the intensity with which it was offered to me, blew me away.
Keeping up with the practice daily opened life up to me in ways that I could not have dreamed of. Although my intentions for taking up yoga were purely for the physical aspect of it, it quickly became clear to me that I was merely scratching the surface, that there is much more to it.
I couldn’t find the words to articulate the kind of impact it was having on me, but I knew that it was working. I felt it in the way I was expressing my thoughts, I felt it in my increased energy levels, I felt it in the immense joy that I was feeling in just waking up every morning, to know that I’m still alive and breathing. Equipped with these powerful tools for well-being, I felt a longing to challenge myself more, I started to see that there is so much more that I can do with myself than I thought was once possible.
I got a taste for the profoundness of these ancient tools for well-being, and I felt a longing to make these tools a possibility for more people. So I dropped everything that I was doing, and went through the Isha Hatha Yoga Teacher Training program, in Southern India (Coimbatore). The training is 5 months long and trainees are required to stay in the yoga center for the duration of the program. 8 hours of intense sadhana everyday, with my day starting at 3:30am in the morning, and ending at 10pm, if not later. Going through a program of this nature made one thing crystal clear, that this is it for me.
Hatha Yoga is holistic, it is empowering and it has the ability to transform an individual’s life. I feel blessed to have had the support of my loved ones to pursue something so profound.
I want every breath, every moment of my life to be in pursuit of yoga and to make this a possibility for as many people as I can. I want to make every second of my life count, and spend it in pursuit of human well-being. I wish to make the transformative tools of Hatha Yoga accessible to as many people as I possibly can.
If you have made it this far into reading this, I want you to know that I love you, I really do. Not just for reading through all of this, but for playing some tangible role in pushing me onto this path. Let’s add more love to the world!