100% Yoga
Offering Classical Hatha Yoga, in its purest form. Just the way it has been practiced for thousands of years.
Surya Kriya
Bhuta Shuddhi
Upa Yoga
Surya Shakti
Shanmukhi Mudra
Shanmukhi Mudra is a simple but subtle practice that brightens and rejuvenates the face and eyes and brings about a state of balance leading toward increased awareness and meditativeness.
Bhastrika Kriya
Bhastrika Kriya is a powerful kriya, which purifies the blood and increases lung capacity. It can be of assistance to people with asthma, allergy, sinusitis, hormonal imbalance and skin disease.cription goes here
Eye Care
Eye care practices we offer are a natural way to improve vision related issues which many a times stem from routine patterns of sitting in front of computers, televisions, phones etc.